Build a Brand Secondary World by Transmedia Storytelling

The latest Marvel movie, The Avenger 3, once again blew a strong wind in the fan’s community and movie industry. As a series in the Marvel world, The Avenger has its own storyline but is also involved into the whole Marvel universe. Marvel built a brand world by comic, movies and games, etc.

A successful brand can create a secondary world on the fundamental of our primary living world. The secondary world has its own principles and regularities depending on and even transcending our normal life. The brand always utilizes the transmedia storytelling to establish the brand world and engage the audiences.

In this podcast, I invited Eloise Faichney as my guest, who is a tutor of the marketing course at the University of Melbourne and also has abundant working experience in the marketing and advertising fields. When we talked about the transmedia narrative, she gave bundles of insights of how the brand build the secondary world by explaining the examples of Marvel and Pokémon Go. The audiences are engaged when they can do co-production with the brand and even interact with the secondary world by augmented reality. The transmedia storytelling is becoming the crucial method for a brand to build a universe and get the audiences involved in.

Listening to more interesting talking in the podcast below. If you have any problem to see the video, the transcribe below is for your information.

This podcast, Build a Brand Secondary World by Transmedia Storytelling, is from my own YouTube channel. Click here to follow me and see more intriguing videos.



Muyu: Hello, welcome back to the fascinating show! I’m your host, Remy. Have you seen the latest Marvel movie, The Avenger 3? It enlarged the Marvel universe again as the Marvel has utilized the transmedia storytelling to build a secondary world. As our topic today, I made an interview of transmedia marketing with Eloise Faichney who has abundant working experience in the advertising and marketing field. She is one of the tutors for the marketing courses at the University of Melbourne and would love to share more insights with us.

Eloise: So that secondary world, it has to be so well thought through, that you know a lot of plan needs to go into what the narratives are itself, the different aspect is going to be, what the key conflict is going to be, what the resolution is going to be. These things all need to be thought out very well ahead. And that’s what filmmakers do, and that’s also what novelists do when they are planning their books when they are in the process of writing them.

Muyu: However, why the audiences are eager to learn a brand new world?

Eloise: We love stories. We’ve always passed down oral histories before there were written histories, there were songs, there were epic poems. We have always, because we’ve passed down vital information. Sometimes information that we need it to survive. We found them endlessly entertaining. So, that you know, that’s the reason why we have novels and books and movies. And why we engage so much.

Muyu: All the secondary world can do is to engage more audiences and it is also the purpose of transmedia.

Eloise: A brand would probably start by having a think about the narrative that they want to tell, and the narrative that they want to build within their story world. But then also, and crucially, they would want to think about how they want their audience to be engaged, what do they want their audience to feel. Do they want them to feel scared, do they want them to feel excited.

Muyu: In the transmedia storytelling, we are not only the audiences, but also can do co-production with the brand. Eloise talked about Marvel as an example.

Eloise: Marvel does this really well I think. And they pay attention to fan theories, they pay attention to the forums of what people are saying and what the consumers of their films want to see happen. And what worked, what hasn’t worked. And they do that really really well. And then it’s being, you know, they are not afraid to depart from the comic story world and do something a little bit different.

Muyu: And then, we talked about a great brand, Pokémon, as one of the successful transmedia storytelling worlds.

Eloise: Pokémon, obviously a cartoon, it’s involved into many different platforms, games, and then into this amazing augmented reality game that people went crazy for. The Cafés would be doing promotional stuff, because they knew that there were lots of lures around or there were Pokér stops. It was really interesting to see other brands actually interact with that transmedia narrative as well.

Muyu: In the end, when talked about the future of the transmedia narrative, we both felt positive.

Eloise: Yeah I think we would see more augmented reality, transmedia and eventually more viral, sorry, virtual reality.

Muyu: Have you learnt something from today’s interview with Eloise? Or do you wanna go for the Avenger 3 right away? Don’t forget to gain more digital media marketing insights at I’m your host, Remy. See you later~

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